Transformational Relating for Couples, Individuals and Professional Development

Clearing the Way to life-changing relationships

Bring out the very best in the people you live, love and work with through Transformational Relating and The Art of Listening.

The Here and Hidden mission

Our Mission:

At Here and Hidden, we are dedicated to helping individuals, couples and professionals bring out the very best in the people they live, love and work with through teaching the skills of transformational relating.

What is Transformational Relating?

Transformational relating is a pyscho-spiritual approach to moving through blocks and developing communication skills and fostering trust, in support of clarity, alliance and change in relationship.

We equip people with skills like:

  • The Art of Listening

  • Somatic Communication

  • Dynamic emergent relating.

Our vision is to see deeper life, love, truth and trust become the norm in everyday work, life and relationships.

Who are Helen and Sam?

We are funny-shaped people who have been blessed NOT to fit into the round holes of normal. The intelligence behind this blessing has drawn us along the Narrow Path and we hear the calling to share how we have navigated the trials, tribulations and successes we have had so you may reap the benefit.


Samuel-Edward Gestalt Therapist Intuitive Voice


  • B. Education.

  • Grad. Dip Gestalt Therapy.

  • Cert. Meditation.

  • The Magic Carpet method.

  • Body-fullness practice.

  • Contact Improv.

  • Prayer support.

Helping Mr and Mrs Right get together, stay together and grow together - through the power of Alliance-based relating.

Spiritual and Relationship Development for individuals and Couples

The Art of Listening and Alliance

I am a fool for love.

My relationship life has often felt like a blind-folded assault course through challenging terrains with a fish stuck in my mouth.

I mean, it's been rough - and yet I never lost hope that I would find the love I was looking for one day.

My insecurities, rebellious nature - mixed with some rough knocks and unaddressed issues - led me to take a bunch of shit really personally and hide my true self and desires of my heart down a dark alley of alcohol addiction, new-age nonsense and destructive relationships.

I have had many well-meaning but failed relationships, many ill-advised soul-sucking "encounters" ahem, and struggled not only romantically but with friends and family.

In short, while relationships have always been so important to me - I've also sucked at them.

A pivotal time of my life was when I did three things: study Gestalt Therapy, open my heart to Christ and get real with myself and what mattered most to me.

A long story short, in the space of a year I had overcome my chemical addictions, found God, commitment my life to my true purpose AND surprise of all surprises - found my Mrs Right.

My life is both cautionary tale and heroes journey. I have a found a path through unfulfilling, chronically dysfunctional relationships to stable, loving, comitted realtionship - with myself, my partner and my God.

There is a way through the maze presented to us by our cultural upbringing, personal demons and delusional fantasies, and I'm here to help other people find it - as I have.



  • B. Counselling

  • Cert Mental Health

  • Dip Education

  • Transformational Coaching

  • Liminal Processing

Professional Development for individuals | Relationship support for couples

Therapeutic Alliance Education

Helping professionals create transformation, rapport and understanding through deep Attunement and Alliance

Through my challenges of addiction, trauma, and ruptured relationships, I discovered that true healing lies in a spiritual alliance to God, practical action and compassion.

At my lowest point, despite rigorous self-help efforts and strict health regimens, I found no path forward. It was in this hopelessness that God's grace for a way into my life and I received a way with his guidance.

My rock bottom taught me the transformational power and truth that is available when we admit have had enough pain, to be humble enough to call for help.

I now create spaces, resources and coaching for others to move through the blocks of their past and pain and find their natural way into the light.

For over 20 years, I have been in the helping industry, where I have helped families, children, and individuals to understanding themselves, embracing wholeness, and creating lives they love.

My approach is rooted in spiritual principles, helping individuals and couples to clarify their deep motivations, attune, align, and make an alliance with truth. The processes I provide illuminate the present and clears the past, paving the way for a future that calls them into wholeness.

My support comes from my lived experience and over 20 ears of practice, I use a compassionate, relational and intuitive process which integrates coaching, spiritual discernment with guided journeys.

I combine spiritual principles with insights from the Gospel, psychology, traditional nutrition, metaphysics and human development.

This is not my work, it is my calling and I am honoured and fulfilled to be invited to support the beautiful: 'coming-home process'.

You are Invited..

Invitations and Offerings

Sam Edward

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Helen Marissa

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Hear From Our Community

What people have to say about us

Coaching with Sam
Jana - UK

He’s a magician. That’s what I can say in one word. I had a lot of anger from a divorce and I really felt not in my body or comfortable in my body. I found it hard to open up. I was trying to run away from my own pain and avoid it by being busy busy busy. What Sam really allowed me to do was really sit with the emotions, really sit with the discomfort and move it past my body, rather than creating any stories or toxic narratives around it. He led me through movement, through sound, through holding space to actually share what is emerging.

Coaching with Helen
Nicki - Gold Coast

Helen is a wonderful practitioner. She helped me to work through old stuck patterns of behaviour that had been blocking me from reaching my greatest potential. Helen’s ability to guide and reach into my psyche and sub conscious mind is powerful and healing. I can’t recommend her enough and her wonderful modality she has developed and created.

In House Retreats with Helen and Sam
Judy - Sunshine Coast

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© 2025 Here and Hidden - All Rights Reserved

Sam 0410 536 110